Conference Program

Wednesday 5th June

8:30 – 9:00    Registration (Room 1, 2nd floor, Valona)

9:00 – 9:30    Welcome session (Room 1, 2nd floor, Valona)

9:30 – 10:30   Keynote Daniel E. O’Leary – AI for Good: Some ESG-based Examples (Room 1, 2nd floor, Valona)
                        Chair: Ciara Heavin

10:30 – 11:00  Coffee break (5th floor, Valona)

11:00 – 13:00  Session 1 Decision Support and System Analysis (Room 1, 2nd floor, Valona)
                         Chair: Biljana Mileva Boshkoska

    • Arkady Zaslavsky and Guangli Huang. Contextual Knowledge Graph Approach to Bias-reduced Decision Support Systems
    • Frada Burstein and Gloria Phillips-Wren. Is Anyone Listening? Evaluating the Impact of Decision Systems and Analytics Research
    • Tadhg Nagle and Yuanyuan Su. Exploring the Socio-Technical Dynamics of VAR Implementation and Use
    • Patrick Scriven, Ann Ledwith and Tadhg Nagle. A Research Framework for Lean Digital Transformation
    • Peter Keenan. A Scientometric analysis of Multicriteria Decision-Making Research

13:00 – 14:00   Lunch (5th floor, Valona)

14:00 – 15:00   Keynote Kieran Towey –  A view from the watchtower, thoughts and experiences from a lifetime of making decisions with data and where I think we are headed (Room 1, 2nd floor, Valona)
                          Chair: Gloria Wren

15:00 – 16:15   Session 2  Decision Support in Housing and Mobility Solutions (Room 1, 2nd floor, Valona)
                          Chair: Agustín Pérez Martín

    • Helena Bonet Jaén, Agustín Pérez Martin, Kristina Polotskaya and Alejandro Rabasa. Reports generation methodology on public solutions in housing matters
    • Martin Znidarsic, Bernard Ženko, Davor Kontić and Marko Bohanec. Multi-criteria assessment of sustainable mobility of employees
    • Cédric Cabral Fandjio Yonzou, Ursula Joyce Merveilles Pettang Nana, Patrick Joël Mbiada Mbiada and Chrispin Pettang. Building a resources-modulable approach as appropriate strategy to reduce and rehabilitate spontaneous housing area (SHA) in developing countries cities: the case of Mokolo in Yaoundé, Cameroon city

16:15 – 16:45    Coffee break (5th floor, Valona)

16:45 – 17:45    Task force on Decision Support for a sustainable global society  – Patrick Humphreys (London School of Economics) (Room 1, 2nd floor, Valona)

17:45  – 18:15    Bus to the city center (social activities)

18:30 – 19:30    Guided tour in Elche

20:30 –               Casual dinner and chamber orchestra

Thursday 6th June

9:00 – 10:00    Keynote Ernestina Menasalvas – ELADAIS: High Social  Impact Data Analysis, extraction and storage (Room 1, 2nd floor, Valona)
                         Chair: Nuria Mollá

10:00 – 10:30   Prof. Frederic Adam (Room 1, 2nd floor, Valona)

10:30 – 11:00   Coffee break (5th floor, Valona)

11:00 – 13:00   Parallel session 1: Decision Support in Business and Economy (Room 1, 2nd floor, Valona)
                          Chair: Nuria Mollá

    • Viktor Andonovikj, Biljana Mileva Boshkoska, Tjaša Redek and Pavle Boškoski. A Data-Driven Approach to Aligning Academic Offerings with Industry Needs for business and economy in Slovenia
    • Biljana Mileva Boshkoska, Sagnika Sen and Pavle Boškoski. A Market Driven Identification of Current and Emerging Skills Requiring an MBA Degree: A Topic Modelling Approach
    • Fergal Carton, Huanhuan Xiong and JB McCarthy. Human centred factors of decision making for financial resilience
    • Justina Valentukevičė and Rimvydas Skyrius. Redefining Business Intelligence Agility: Integrating the Human-centered Dimensions and Developing a New Measurement Scale
    • Nuria Mollá, Alejandro Rabasa and Ana Bossler. Data stream solution for decision making processes: a general and adaptive system for decision support

11:00 – 13:00   Parallel session 2: Decision Support and System Analysis (Room 2, 2nd floor, Valona)
                          Chair: Agustín Pérez Martín

    • Alexander Nejinsk and Pavel Andreev. Towards Design Theory for Community Collaboration Support System During Crises: from Conceptualization to Validation
    • John Hegarty. Living in the Tension – A Reflexive and Pragmatic Approach to Strategic Decision-Making for the Common Good
    • David Sammon, Tadhg Nagle, John McAvoy, Ciara Heavin, Ciara Fitzgerald, Stephen McCarthy, Arif Wibisono and Ibrahim Alhassan. Exploring the PhD Supervisor/Candidate Relationship for a ‘Publication-Based Thesis’: A Metaphor-Driven Approach
    • Pavle Boškoski, Tjaša Redek, Matija Perne and Biljana Mileva Boshskoska. Career path discovery through bipartite graphs
    • Attila Szathmári, Alexandra Köves and Judit Gáspár. Human-centred Decision Support for the Common Good: A Combination of Participatory Foresight Methods

13:00 – 14:00   Lunch

14:00 – 15:00   Panel «The Future of Decision Support: How Generative AI is Supercharging Analytics» (Room 1, 2nd floor, Valona)
Chair: Ana Respicio

15:00 – 16:15   Session 3: Session AI-Driven Decision Support in Healthcare and Technology (Room 1, 2nd floor, Valona)
                          Chair: Ciara Heavin

    • Ciara Heavin, Nasser Lotfivand, Brian Dillon and Laura Lynch. Enhancing Palliative Care Triage: An AI-Based Decision Support System for Patient Prioritisation
    • Theresa Jefferson and Gloria Phillips-Wren. Decision Making in Disaster Management: Considering the Medicated Society
    • Richard Harris, Deirdre Murray and Frederic Adam. Risk-Benefit of Connected Health-Led Digital Transformation: A Case Study in Child and Adolescent – Mental Health Service Clinical Decision-Making Support
    • Imad Bani Hani, Sadi Alawadi and Nadia Elmrayyan. AI and the Decision-Making Process: A Literature Review in Healthcare, Financial, and Technology Sectors Cameroon city

16:15 – 16:45    Coffee break (5th floor, Valona)

16:45 – 18:00    Industrial Session: AI and Decision Making: Insights from Industry (Room 1, 2nd floor, Valona)
                            Chair: Alejandro Rabasa Dolado

    • Salomé Sepúlveda (AITalentum)
    • Fran Zaplana (Convotis)
    • Francisca Arán (INESCOP)

18:00  – 19:00  Tourist train visit (trenet) heading from the University and finishing in the city center.

21:00 –               Gala dinner (Arenals building)

Friday 7th June

9:30 – 11:00    Parallel Session 3: Decision making for Sustainability and Food Security (Room 1, 2nd floor, Valona)
                         Chair: Richard Szanto

    • Chintan Amrit and Yuanyuan Su. A Predictive Model for Analysing Chad’s Food Security
    • Patrick Humphreys and Miguel Imas. Supporting Sustainability within the Sail Cargo Alliance Ecosystem
    • Andrej Bregar. Decision process for Industry 5.0
    • Ursula Joyce Merveilles Pettang Nan, Patrick Joël Mbiada Mbiada, Cédric Cabral Fandjio Yonzou and Chrispin Pettang. Modelling social and societal mechanisms as decision tools for sustainable infrastructures production for common good concern in Developing Countries (CGC – APDC)
    • Chintan Amrit and Yuanyuan Su. A Literature Review of Food Security

9:30 – 11:15    Parallel Session 4 (online presentations): Decision Support and System Analysis (Room 2, 2nd floor, Valona)
                         Chair: Kristina Polotskaya

    • Xu Han and Alexander Brodsky. DG-ViTh: A Decision Guidance System for Repositories of Virtual Things
    • Alenka Trpin and Biljana Mileva Boshkoska. Deep learning approach to identifying cancer subtypes using convolutional hyperbolic k nearest neighbours method
    • Maria Farkas and Reka Matolay. Designing the CSRD System: Insights from Management Systems and Strategic Experiences to strengthen Decision Support System
    • Himanshu Pahuja, Pari Delir Haghighi and Prem Prakash Jayaraman. Data-driven decision-support system for expansions in retail stores: Dexter
    • Wendy Rowan, S. McCarthy, S. Mebrahtu, Titiana Ertiö, Adriana Dimova, Desislava Asenova, Nektarios Moraitis and Alexandra Revez. Promoting Active Citizen Engagement in Sustainable Energy Transitions: A Co-creation Approach
    • Blaž Rodič and Matej Barbo. Decision Support for Traffic Safety: Case of Rear-end Collision Modelling

11:00 – 11:30   Coffee break (5th floor, Valona)

11:30 – 12:00   Closure (Room 1, 2nd floor, Valona)

12:00 – 13:00  IFIP WG 8.3 Business meeting (Room 1, 2nd floor, Valona)

  • * You can download here the pdf of the program

All presentations will have a time limit of 15 min + questions.


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